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Stuart Fellingham appointed to the branch committee

I am pleased to announce that the Branch Committee recently decided to appoint Stuart Fellingham as an additional member.

Stuart will take responsibility for coordinating fund raising and sponsorship.  This is becoming an increasingly important aspect of managing the branch and I’m sure everyone will support him in his new role.

Stuart is, of course, an ex-member.  For many years he has also given up a week of his annual leave to attend summer camp at Plumpton where he has helped to magic away the ‘muck’ from the stables to great effect.

For the purposes of clarity, branch committee members are appointed by the committee for a three year period of office.  Anyone wishing to serve for a further period must then be re-elected by the other members on a rotating basis.  It is also the resposibility of the committee to appoint the DC, Treasurer and other officers as required.
