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Hats and Body Protectors – Fitting

It’s recently been brought to my attention that some members and their parents/carers may be unclear about how to ensure hats and body protectors are fitted correctly and the purpose of the Pony Club ‘hat tag’ and what it means.

Unfortunately Pony Club approved instructors are not trained in the correct fitting of hats and body protectors and so are unable to provide definitive guidance or judgement on the subject.  It is best that parents/carers refer to a reputable tack dealer on such matters.   At a practical level clearly there is a potential problem when equipment is purchased second hand and children do have a habit of growing.  Much can be answered by the application of  ‘common sense’ – a hat so tight it causes discomfort is likely to be too small and one that flops around too large!  Like ponies, children have different conformations so a body protector that is a comfortable fit for one child may be hopeless on another.  Also please remember that if a hat has had any kind of significant impact it may no longer provide maximum protection and should be replaced.

The Pony Club Health and Safety rules do insist that hats must conform to a recognised quality standard.  The purpose of the hat tag is to provide a quick visual confirmation that the hat conforms to the safety standard and so saves time asking the rider to dismount and take their hat off to reveal the mark inside.  The tag does not mean it fits correctly!

A fall from a pony or horse can be a painful experience.  Hats and body protectors are worn to try and prevent serious (ie. life changing) injury or worse.   Wearing a hat and back protector does not mean a rider will necessarily always avoid bruising or minor injury to limbs.
